The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil, or VCO, is the newest, high-value coconut product widely sought after for its human nutraceutical benefits and functional food. As the world becomes more familiar with the incredible health benefits of virgin coconut oil, we now witness the rapid rise of this remarkable substance, with so much potential for growth. Coconuts have …

The Amazing Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is often described as the “healthiest oil on earth.” This wasn’t always so. For years it had a reputation of being unhealthy because of its high saturated fat content. We now know coconut oil is different from most fats and is actually good for us. We have listed twelve of the most important …

How is Coconut Flour different from Wheat Flour

Coconut Flour is a trending product, with a compounded global volume growth of more than 30% per annum in the last three years. The demand for the product stems from its gluten-free appeal, aroma, taste and nutritional profile. Coconut flour is processed entirely from the coconut kernel, rendering it free from any gluten. The coconut flour …